Council to invite participation in Citizens' Panel

Highland Council will shortly be sending out letters to randomly selected residents across the Highlands, inviting individuals to participate in the Council’s Citizens’ Panel.

A Citizens' Panel is a group of residents within a Local Authority area which is asked for their views on a range of topics and subjects to help inform policy and priorities.  The panel aims to be representative of local residents.

In Highland, the Citizen’s Panel has been in place for over a decade and they perform a very important role in providing their views and opinions on a range of subjects including Council performance.  The panel are asked for their views though surveys with most participants engaging online.  

Chair of Corporate Resources Councillor Jimmy Gray said: “I would encourage those who receive the invitation letters to sign up to the Panel. We are interested in your views and will consult with you on a range of issues. This presents individuals with a further opportunity to influence policy affecting the area we live in.”

11 Mar 2022