Capturing stories in Ross and Cromarty

A series of workshops will run throughout Highland 2007 – the year Scotland celebrates Highland culture - to give local communities in Ross and Cromarty the skills to capture the stories from their towns and villages.

The main outcome of the workshops will be the production of a number of short plays written by those who attend the course. The first workshop will be held on Saturday 24th March in Strathpeffer Community Centre.

Leaders will be local storyteller, musician, and Arts Worker for Highland Council, Bob Pegg and the doyenne of folklore and local history, Doraine Patience. The day will offer the chance for participants to find out more about oral history interviewing, recording techniques and equipment and how stories might be used.

Follow up workshops will be led by writers Euan Martin and Dave Smith who will help select stories and support the would-be playwrights to script a one act play to be performed in the community of origin. Euan and Dave run Rightlines Productions and regularly write and produce plays and have had great success with their runs throughout the Highlands for many years.

Bob Pegg said: “The series of workshops is a revival of similar work which was carried out in the Seaboard Communities of Shandwick, Balintore and Hilton several years ago. The community project called “Down to the Sea” was a series of events including plays, songs and exhibitions which culminated in the production of several videos which were sent all over the world.  For this project we have recruited a range of the most talented and creative people who live and work in the Highlands to capture and translate the stories into different mediums for the community groups who take part.”

The workshop is open to individuals as well as community groups. As places are limited advance booking is recommended. For more information or to book a place please contact Pamela Galbraith, Lorna Cruickshank or Wendy Sanders Community Learning and Leisure, Highland Council Tel 01349 868479. 

For more information, call Pamela Galbraith, Community Learning Officer for Mid Ross and Cromarty; Lorna Cruickshank, Heritage Officer; or Wendy Sanders, Arts Development Officer at Highland Council Offices in Dingwall on 01349 868479.

12 Mar 2007