Rangers put a spring in their step

Highland Council’s Countryside Rangers are inviting locals to join them on a woodland walk at Kiltarlity to celebrate the coming of Spring.

Aimed at both adults and children, the event takes place on Sunday 18th March from 2-4pm.  Participants are asked to meet at Kiltarlity shinty pitch car park.

Mairi Nicolson, Highland Council’s countryside ranger for Inverness West said: “It has been a long cold winter but the Spring equinox is approaching when daylight hours and darkness are equal.  It is at this time of year when nature wakes up and bursts into life and so should we. 

“Like animals as daylight hours become longer we should become more active.  We will celebrate the coming of spring with some fun games and crafts whilst enjoying a woodland walk to see who and what is awakening.”

This event is organised as part of The Highland Council’s Planning and Development Services countryside events programme.  This event is suitable for family groups, and all children must be accompanied by an adult. It is free to attend but booking is required. To book a place or for further information please telephone 01463 710786.

The Highland Council Countryside Rangers are a partnership between The Highland Council and Scottish Natural Heritage with the aim of promoting public enjoyment and appreciation of the countryside and conserving wildlife.

For further information please contact: Mairi Nicolson, Countryside Ranger Inverness West, The Highland Council, Planning and Development Service, North Tower, Inverness Castle, Inverness tel: 01463 710786.

12 Mar 2007