Massive mountain bike event

300 pupils from Black Isle primary schools (Avoch, Culbokie, Newhall, Cullicudden, Tore and Ferintosh) will have the chance this week to try pedal power when they take part in a unique local event introducing them to the exciting sport of Mountain Biking.

Nicola Yea, Active Schools Coordinator for the Black Isle primaries in partnership with Tim Meek from the Highlands and Islands Mountain Biking Association has organised a week of special come and try sessions of the exciting sport at the Learnie mountain biking course.  This is the first time a mountain biking event involving so many young children has been organised in the Highlands with pupils from Primary 1 right up to Primary 7 coming along.

The event is part of the Highland 2007 Highland Promise.

Nicola said:  “Every day this week six local primary schools have been invited to bring along pupils to try this exhilarating sport.  There will be special two hour training session at which fully qualified coaches will pass on their skills before the young people have a chance to explore the forest on two wheels. 

“We are lucky that in the Highlands as there are lots of tracks and woods to explore and mountain biking is such a great way to enjoy the outdoors and get fit.  I hope that the young people coming along this week will be encouraged and confident enough after the training we’ll provide to take up more mountain biking.  It is a great sport which the whole family can enjoy together.  The course we will be using at Learnie is excellent with different grades for different abilities so anyone can make their mountain biking adventures as challenging as they wish.”

For further information contact Nicola Yea on 07795825604.


12 Mar 2007