Get on your bike this bike week across Highland and feel the benefits

Bike Week 22

The Highland Council supports Bike Week, 6 – 12 June 2022 an annual celebration of cycling, in partnership with Cycling Scotland, with the aim of encouraging more people to cycle more often.

This year Bike Week is all about you and your local community, to encourage as many people as possible to get out there and enjoy their community by bike.

Cycling is a brilliant way to help our bodies and minds stay healthy, helping us to get outside and active.

If you already cycle, why not support others to cycle during Bike Week – offer to cycle a route with a friend or do a short easy spin to give them some confidence.

Benefits of cycling:

  • Cycling daily can mean you have a 45% lower risk of developing cancer, and a 46% lower risk of cardiovascular disease – your health
  • If all cycle journeys increased from the current level of 2% to 25% by 2050, the collective benefit would be £248bn – your pocket
  • A switch of one journey per day reduces a person’s carbon footprint by approximately 0.5 tonnes over a year – your climate

Numbers of people cycling are increasing and a new appreciation for the benefits of getting outdoors realised as a positive post-pandemic. For those that cycled as a kid, you may remember how wonderful a bike ride was. Bike Week allows us the opportunity to capture that feeling and for people who stopped cycling to consider reigniting their love of cycling, grow their cycling confidence and learn about accessible local routes so they can get from A to B by bike in a healthy and happy way whilst saving on fuel costs and play a part in reducing their carbon footprint.

Your health, your pocket, your climate and your community can all benefit by getting on your bike!

Bikeability training is taking place at primary schools around the Highland Council area during Bike Week

Take part in Bike Week from 6-12 June 2022.

9 Jun 2022