Public Workshop To Discuss Lochcarron Housing Development Brief

The Wester Ross Local Plan identified areas of land at Kirkton, Lochcarron for both affordable and private housing as well as a mixed use development, including a community leisure centre.  This land is key to delivering up to 50 houses in Lochcarron over the next ten years.
Whilst the principle of development on these areas is now established and set out in the plan, The Highland Council are working towards making sure that the concerns people had at the time of the local plan preparation are now fully addressed in bringing this land forward to meet local housing needs.  A Development Brief is therefore being prepared which will provide detailed layout and design principles that developers will have to adhere to, as well as setting out the preferred means of accessing the site.  It will also look at the possible access to future community woodland to the rear of the Kirkton housing area. 
The Council wants to make sure all those with an interest are involved in this process, and have arranged a drop-in workshop for the key stakeholders and the local community.  This event will be held at the Lochcarron Community Hall throughout the day and into the evening of Wednesday 21 March between 10 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. 

Malcolm MacLeod, The Council’s Planning Policy and Information Officer said:  “We hope as many people as possible come along to see what is being proposed, so that any concerns can be fully built in at this stage.  There will be a range of people in attendance dealing with planning, housing, roads as well as design and layout.  It is not only for existing residents of the Kirkton area, but also for those who have a need for housing in the area.”

On the following evening (22nd March ) between 7pm and 9pm there will be a public meeting in the same venue to give details as to how the brief is progressing and to let people give their feedback and ask questions. 
The Development Brief will then be presented on Monday 2 April to the Ross & Cromarty Area Committee for approval.  In the meantime if anyone would like to find out more details about the workshop event, or to discuss the development brief generally they should contact Planner Katie Briggs on 01463 702271.

14 Mar 2007