Caithness Committee Chair and Civic Leaders appointed

Cllr Ron Gunn -  photo of new Caithness Chair

Councillor Ron Gunn, who represents the Thurso and Northwest Sutherland Ward of The Highland Council, has been appointed as Chair of the new Caithness Committee which met for the first time today (Friday 1 July).

After taking the Chair, Cllr Gunn thanked Members for their support and then called for nominations to the roles of Vice Chairs and Civic Leaders for Thurso and Wick.

Councillor Struan Mackie has been elected to the role of Provost of Thurso and Councillor Jan McEwan,  the Provost of Wick. Both will also share the role of being Vice Chairs of the Caithness Committee

The other member appointments made during the meeting are as follows:

  • Caithness and North Sutherland Regeneration Partnership Advisory Board
    Cllrs Raymond Bremner and Matthew Reiss
  • Dounreay Stakeholders Group
    Cllrs Willie Mackay, Karl Rosie and Andrew Jarvie
  • Caithness and North Sutherland Fund
    Cllrs Willie Mackay and Matthew Reiss
  • Caithness Citizen’s Advice Bureau – Board
    Cllr Jan McEwen
  • Caithness Local Access Forum
    Cllrs Karl Rosie and Andrew Jarvie
  • Chair of Caithness Poverty Action Group
    Cllr Andrew Jarvie
  • Your Police, You Decide Steering Group (Caithness)
    Cllr Willie Mackay

Speaking after the committee, the new Chair, Cllr Gunn said: “I would like to thank my colleagues for their support and it’s going to be a privilege to serve the people of Caithness.

“It is important that communities across the whole county have a voice, so regardless of our individual politics, I look forward to us working together and with our community partners and the people of Caithness, to ensure we drive priorities forward and focus on what’s important to our area.

“This includes making sure local services are delivered effectively and efficiently, making the most of the resources we have and exploring new opportunities, especially those that boost our local economy. It is also vital that we priorities career prospects for young people by making sure they have the necessary skills and are best placed to take advantage of new job opportunities.

He added: “Caithness Committee in one way leads the way with its unique association of Caithness Community Councils meetings and monthly meetings with Housing, Roads departments and NHS Highland. These types of meetings will continue as they are so beneficial to everyone.”

“There is a lot to do but I am sure that with the ambition and vision that we all share, a lot of positive work can be achieved to make sure Caithness continues to be a great place to live, work, invest in and visit.”

1 Jul 2022