Tain ASDA Supermarket Planning Application

Following a hearings procedure held today (Wednesday 14 March 2007), members of The Highland Council’s Planning and Development Committee have approved an application by ASDA to build a supermarket with petrol station on a 6.5 hectare site in Tain.  The consent is to be made subject to a number of planning conditions to be drawn up by the Director of Planning and Development.

The site for the proposed new store is on the south side of the town and is currently used as agricultural land which is highlighted in the recently adopted Easter Ross Local Plan as land for future housing expansion and amenity area. 

The application will now be referred to the Scottish Executive as the proposed car parking exceeds the national maximum car parking standards laid down by the Executive.

The recommendation presented to the Committee by Planning Officials was to refuse the application however at the end of the hearings procedure Councillor Richard Durham seconded by Councillor Alan Torrance moved a motion for approval. 

The motion was approved 20 votes to 8. 

14 Mar 2007