Cleasan Gàidhlig ann an Geàrrloch

Tha Sgioba na Gàidhlig ag obair ann an com-pàirteachas le Bun-Sgoil Gheàrrloch, Àrd-Sgoil Gheàrrloch agus a’ choimhearsnachd gus Latha Fosgailte Cànan is Cultar na Gàidhlig a chur air dòigh. Bidh spòrs is fealla-dhà gu leòr an lùib an tachartais, a thèid a chumail aig Bun-Sgoil Gheàrrloch air Disathairne 3 Sultain, a’ tòiseachadh aig 10.30 agus le inntrigeadh an-asgaidh.
’S e prìomh amas an tachartais teaghlaichean ann an Geàrrloch agus sna sgìrean mun cuairt a thoirt còmhla gus com-pàirt a ghabhail ann an cleasan fiosrachail is spòrsail. Am measg na bhios ann bidh Leugh le Linda, dràma, spòrs a leithid ball-coise, peantadh aodainn agus caisteal bocadaich. Bidh bèicearachd is stàilichean ann a bharrachd air ealain is obair-chiùird, tombola agus mòran eile.
Bidh cothrom aig pàrantan, teaghlaichean is luchd-cùraim tuilleadh fhaighinn a-mach mu Fhoghlam tron Ghàidhlig agus na buannachdan a tha an lùib a bhith dà-chànanach. Bidh riochdairean bho bhuidhnean Gàidhlig is cultair an làthair agus bidh cothrom ann còmhradh ri tidsearan is riochdairean bho na diofar bhuidhnean.
Bidh Fèis Rois a’ cur sheiseanan air dòigh le ceòl traidiseanta agus òrain Ghàidhlig agus bidh cothrom ann cuideachd tadhal air Taigh-tasgaidh Gheàrrloch.
Thuirt Fiona Dalgetty, Àrd-Oifigear Fèis Rois: “The ceanglaichean làidir aig Fèis Rois le Geàrrloch agus sgìre Rois an Iar agus tha sinn fìor thoilichte a bhith a’ gabhail pàirt agus a’ cur taic ris an Latha Fhosgailte seach gu bheil e cudromach dèanamh cinnteach gum bi an dà chuid a’ Ghàidhlig agus a cultair nam pàirtean den choimhearsnachd air fad, gu h-àraid a thaobh Foghlam tron Ghàidhlig agus ceòl traidiseanta. Tha Fèis Rois a’ guidhe gach soirbheachas dhan tachartas.”
Thuirt Calum Rothach, Cathraiche Comataidh Gàidhlig Chomhairle na Gàidhealtachd: “Tha Latha Fosgailte Cànan is Cultar na Gàidhlig a’ toirt cothrom air leth do phàrantan is do theaghlaichean tuilleadh fiosrachaidh fhaighinn mu na buannachdan a tha an lùib dà-chànanais, agus bidh spòrs gu leòr ann dhan òigridh cuideachd.” Lean e air adhart, “Tha mi air mo dhòigh glan gum bi tidsearan is riochdairean bho Sgioba na Gàidhlig agus bho bhuidhnean eile an làthair airson ceistean sam bith a dh’fhaodadh a bhith aig pàrantan is riochdairean bhon choimhearsnachd a fhreagairt. Tha mi airson cothrom a ghabhail taing mhòr a thoirt do Bhòrd na Gàidhlig airson an taic ionmhasail agus tha mi an dòchas ur faicinn ann air an latha fhèin."
Tha Sgioba Gàidhlig Chomhairle na Gàidhealtachd a’ toirt taic dhan tachartas a tha air a mhaoineachadh le Bòrd na Gàidhlig.
Gheibhear tuilleadh fiosrachaidh mun tachartas bho:
Gaelic fun in Gairloch
The Gaelic Team are working in partnership with Gairloch Primary School, the High School and the community to organise a fun and entertaining Gaelic language and Culture Open Day which will be based within, and around Gairloch Primary School.
The Open day takes place on Saturday September 3rd, commences at 10.30am and is free.
The main aim of the event is to bring families in the Gairloch and surrounding areas together to participate in informative and fun activities, which will include drama, face painting, bouncy castle, and other activities including Leugh le Linda.
The event will also include home baking, stalls, sports activities including football, arts and crafts, luck dip tombola and much more.
The event will provide opportunities for parents, families, and guardians to find out more about Gaelic Medium Education and how beneficial it is to be bilingual.
Representatives from Gaelic and cultural organisations will be present, and parents, families and guardians will have the opportunity to speak to teachers, and representatives from the relevant Gaelic and cultural organisations.
Fèis Rois will also be running traditional music and Gaelic song taster sessions and there will also be an opportunity to visit Gairloch Museum.
Fiona Dalgetty Chief Executive of Fèis Rois said: "Fèis Rois has strong links with Gairloch and the Wester Ross area and we are delighted to be participating and supporting the Open Day as it is important to ensure that Gaelic and culture continues to be part of the whole community especially in relation to Gaelic Medium Education and traditional music”, She continued,”Fèis Rois wishes the event every success."
Councillor Calum Munro, Chair of the Highland Council Gaelic Committee said: “The Gaelic and Culture Open Day provides a huge opportunity for parents and families to discover and learn more about the benefits of bilingualism, and also to engage in fun activities for the young people”, he continued, “I’m delighted that teachers and representatives of the Gaelic Team and other organisations will also be present to answer any questions that parents and community representatives may have. I wish to take this opportunity to thank Bòrd na Gàidhlig for their financial support and I hope to see you all there on the day."
The event is supported by the Highland Council Gaelic Team and funded by Bòrd na Gàidhlig.
For further information regarding the event please contact