Skye and Eigg projects granted essential Islands Infrastructure funding

Old Man of Storr footpath improvement project take another step forward
The Old Man of Storr, Isle of Skye

In March this year the Scottish Government announced a £4m funding package (Islands Infrastructure Fund IIF) to help improve infrastructure on Scotland’s islands.

The funding is part of the £30m Islands Programme to support and improve the quality of life for island communities and address population decline, tackle climate change and improve transport, housing, the delivery of public services and digital connectivity.

Skye & Raasay and Lochaber Area Committee Members welcomed the news today that two projects have been granted funding from the IIF.

The Old Man of Storr project will receive £440,000 towards the provision of visitor infrastructure including a multipurpose unit, which will provide retail opportunities and a heritage and cultural resource on site, as well as electric vehicle charging points.

Chair of the Isle of Skye and Raasay committee, Cllr John Finlayson said “I am delighted that funding has been approved for this project. The Old Man of Storr is a fantastic asset to the area and a substantial amount of work has been done over the last few years involving members, officers and communities to turn this iconic site into a sustainable and valuable resource to benefit Skye and Raasay communities.

"I look forward to working with all stakeholders to see further investment and improvement to the facilities that will be available on site”.

The Old Surgery project on the Isle of Eigg will also receive £72,000 from IIF to fund the first phase of a housing development. The IIF funding will allow essential infrastructure works to take place ahead of the construction works planned for phase 2.

Chair of the Lochaber committee, Cllr Kate Willis said; “The Isle of Eigg is celebrating 25 years of successful Community Ownership this year. The lack of housing is a real issue for the future viability of the island community which has struggled to retain young families and key workers in the school, health centre and the island’s shop.

"This funding from IIF will allow the Isle of Eigg Heritage Trust to take a step forward towards creating much needed housing and redirecting wealth back into the local economy.”

1 Sep 2022