Easter Ross Area Committee Chair and Vice Chair appointed

Cllr Derek Louden
Cllr Derek Louden chosen as Chair of the Easter Ross Area Committee

Councillor Derek Louden has been appointed as Chair of The Highland Council’s Easter Ross Area Committee.

His appointment was made earlier today (5 September 2022), at the first Easter Ross Area Committee held since this year’s local Government election.

After taking the chair, Councillor Louden thanked Members for their support and called for the appointment of a Vice Chair. Following a vote, the position of Vice Chair was filled by Cllr Molly Nolan.

Speaking during the meeting, Councillor Louden said: “The first thing I would like to do is pay tribute to my predecessor, Cllr Fiona Robertson, who did a sterling job for the communities in Easter Ross, in her days as a councillor. We all wish her every success for the future.”

He added: “I’d like to thank my colleagues for their support. I look forward to chairing the Area Committee and helping serve the people of Easter Ross.

“The Committee is committed to working hard and delivering the priorities of this picturesque area and do everything we can to help people cope with the Cost of Living crisis affecting so many.”

He continued: “Our Committee will be working hard to make sure that as well as delivering local services effectively and efficiently, we look to exploring new opportunities that will benefit the lives of people and help our local communities prosper.”

During the meeting members also had an opportunity to listen and scrutinise the latest local performance report from Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Group Manager Ricky Dibble.

Members noted the excellent work which the fire service has done of late to tackle incidences of fire raising, particularly in Invergordon and help identify those responsible.

Cllr Molly Nolan

Cllr Molly Nolan who has been appointed Vice Chair of the Easter Ross Area Committee


5 Sep 2022