Four new businesses open in re-designed Victorian Market Hall

The Victorian Market Hall in Inverness is now at the stage to open to the public with four businesses trading from Wednesday 14 September.

As well as new public toilets the Victorian Market now has an accessible toilet and baby changing room.

The Market Hall area of the Victorian Market closed in January 2021 for transformational development.

The central space of the old meat trading hall and fish hall has been completely redesigned to accommodate 15 new commercial units that can house food, drink and retail  businesses.

Complimentary to the original Victorian structure, the re-design of the floorspace highlights the amazing roof structure now more visible than before.

Leader of Inverness and Area, Cllr Ian Brown said: “It is great to see this part of the Victorian Market being brought back into use. The space is very attractive and brings some well-established businesses to the city centre. Their success will hopefully attract more investment and we look forward to seeing our Highland residents enjoying visiting their Market again.”

6 Sep 2022