Short Term Let Licensing

At the meeting of the Highland Licensing Committee today (6 September 2022), Members considered the views expressed to the public consultation exercise and agreed a final Short Term Let Policy Statement and a final set of additional conditions, in light of the responses received.

Members agreed:

  • To note and consider the views expressed to the public consultation exercise which was carried out between 21 June 2022 and 5 August 2022.
  • Consider, in light of the responses received, the proposed changes to the draft Policy Statement.
  • Consider, in light of the responses received, the proposed changed to the draft additional conditions for short term let properties.
  • The fee structure for short term let properties.
  • To finalise and publish the Short Term Let Licensing Policy Statement.
  • To finalise and publish the additional conditions.

Further details can be found here:

By the end of this week (9 September) a dedicated short term let website will be published which will provide further information and guidance on the documentation required to apply for a licence.   The website will also include a final copy of the Policy Statement and the additional conditions.

The online application process will be open shortly before 1 October 2022.

6 Sep 2022