Tasgadh na Gàidhlig

Issued by Scottish Government

Tasgadh na Gàidhlig

Maoineachadh do phròiseactan ionadail.

Gheibh foghlam is pròiseactan coimhearsnachd Gàidhlig buannachd à cha mhòr £3 millean mar phàirt de phlanaichean ruigse a’ chànain a leudachadh thairis Alba.

Cuidichidh Maoin-chalpa na Gàidhlig, a-nis sa 14mh bliadhna aice, taic a chur ri fàs àireamh de phròiseactan sa bhliadhna ri thighinn.

Am measg seo bidh:

  • leasachadh aonadan sgoile Gàidhlig ann am Baile Dhubhthaich is an t-Eilean Sgitheanach
  • a’ toirt taic do leasachadh na Gàidhlig air Barraigh
  • leasachadh goireasan Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu
  • lìbhrigeadh rùm-sgoile ùr aig Bun-sgoil Thunga air Eilean Leòdhais

Thuirt Rùnaire an Fhoghlaim Shirley-Anne Somerville:

“’S e Gàidhlig pàirt riatanach de dh’fhèin-aithne chultarail na h-Alba is tha sinn daingeann gun cùm i oirre a’ fàs tro leasachadh an ruigse a th’ aig dhaoine an cànan ionnsachadh is a chleachdadh aig a h-uile cothrom as urrainn.

“Tha Maoin-chalpa na Gàidhlig air cuideachadh àireamh phròiseactan deatamach a lìbhrigeadh bhon thòisich i ann an 2008, a’ cunntadh stèidheachadh seachd sgoiltean Gàidhlig ùra.

“Neartaichidh sinn buileach Gàidhlig is Albais tro fàs na h-àireimh daoine a’ cleachdadh nan cànan seo. Mar sin dheth, cuiridh sinn air adhart Bile nan Cànan Albannach san teirm phàrlamaid seo.

“Bhrosnaichinn a h-uile duine an cuid bheachd a chur ris a’ cho-chomhairleachadh a tha sinn a’ leantainn air Gàidhlig is Albais ’s sinn ag amas an teachd-àm aca a ghlèidheadh.”

Thuirt Cathraiche Comataidh Foghlaim Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd, Iain Fionnlastan:

“Tha mi air mo dhòigh gu bheil Riaghaltas na h-Alba ag aithneachadh cudromachd Foghlam Gàidhlig air a’ Ghàidhealtachd le bhith a’ cur taic ri leasachadh dà roinn Ghàidhlig ùr san sgìre chomhairle anns an Ath Leathann is Baile Dhubhthaich.

“Tha deagh fhàilte air na tha seo a’ cur ri adhartachadh ar geallaidhean Foghlam Gàidhlig aig dhà de na sgoiltean ùr air a bheil sinn ag amas is gu cinnteach cuiridh e taic cuideachd ri builean do dhaoine òga is coimhearsnachdan ionadail.

“Tha a’ Chomhairle a’ cur fàilte bhlàth ris a’ mhaoineachadh a chuidicheas le lìbhrigeadh Plana Gàidhlig na Comhairle.”


Bheir a’ Mhaoin-chalpa Ghàidhlig 2022-23:

  • £54,000 son rùm-sgoile ùr aig Bun-sgoile Thunga ann an Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
  • £1 millean gus taic a thoirt do leasachadh Gàidhlig mar phàirt de Huba Foghlaim is Slàinte Bhàgh a’ Chaisteil ann an Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
  • £465,000 do Chomhairle Baile Ghlaschu gus leasachadh goireasan aig Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu
  • £594,000 do Chomhairle na Gàidhealtachd son an Aonad Gàidhlig aig Bun-sgoil An Àth Leathainn
  • £800,000 gu Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd son lìbhrigeadh Aonad Gàidhlig 3-18 aig Acadamaidh Bhaile Dhubhthaich
  • £24,449 gu Comhairle Siorrachd Rinn Friù son leasachadh ghoireasan don Aonad Ghàidhlig ùr aig Bun-sgoil an Iar, Pàislig
  • £62,152 gu Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle son foghlam is pròiseactan ceannardas coimhearsnachd

Leanaidh co-chomhairleachadh Riaghaltas na h-Alba air Gàidhlig is Albais is Bile nan Cànan Albannach gu 17 Samhain 2022.

Investing in Gaelic

Funding to support local projects.

Gaelic education and community projects will benefit from almost £3 million as part of plans to expand the reach of the language across Scotland.

The Gaelic Capital Fund, which is now in its 14th year, will help support the growth of a number of projects over the coming year.

These will include:

  • developing Gaelic school units in Tain and Skye
  • supporting the development of Gaelic on Barra
  • improving facilities at Glasgow Gaelic School
  • delivering a new classroom at Tong Primary School on the Isle of Lewis

Education Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said:

“Gaelic is a vital part of Scotland’s cultural identity and we are determined that it continues to flourish by improving access for people to both learn and use the language at every opportunity possible.

“The Gaelic Capital Fund has helped to deliver a number of key projects since its launch in 2008, including the establishment of seven new Gaelic schools.

“We will further strengthen Gaelic and Scots by increasing the numbers of people using these languages. To that end, we will introduce a Scottish Languages Bill this parliamentary term.

“I would encourage everyone to have their say on our ongoing Gaelic and Scots consultation as we look to secure their future.”

Chair of The Highland Council’s Education Committee Councillor John Finlayson said:

“I am delighted that the Scottish Government recognises the importance of Gaelic Education in Highland by supporting the development of two Gaelic departments in the council area at Broadford and Tain.

“This is a very welcome addition to the furthering of our Gaelic Education commitments at two of our planned new schools and of course it will also support outcomes for our young people and local communities.

“The funding is warmly welcomed by the Council which will help support the delivery of the Council’s Gaelic Plan.”


The Gaelic Capital Fund 2022-2023 will provide:

  • £54,000 for a new classroom at Tong Primary School in Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
  • £1 million to support the Gaelic development as part of the Castlebay Education and Health Hub in Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
  • £465,000 to Glasgow City Council to develop facilities at Glasgow Gaelic School
  • £594,000 to The Highland Council for the Gaelic Unit at Broadford Primary School
  • £800,000 to The Highland Council for the delivery of 3-18 Gaelic Unit at Tain Academy
  • £24,449 to Renfrewshire Council for development of facilities for new Gaelic unit at West Primary School, Paisley
  • £62,152 to Gaelic College (ICCI), Islay, for education and community lead projects and education

The Scottish Government consultation on Gaelic and Scots and the Scottish Languages Bill runs until 17 November 2022.

25 Oct 2022