‘Plug pulled’ on Whin Park pond

Visitors to the popular Whin Park in the Bught area of Inverness are being advised by The Highland Council that works to drain and clean the pond will commence on the week beginning Monday 14 November 2022.

The Council is draining the pond to enable management and control of an invasive non-native weed species that has been found to be present in the pond. At the same time the pond will be fully cleaned with all debris removed and responsibly disposed of.

Due to leisure uses of the pond, it’s important that the Council manages the weed to stop it getting spread by people, birds, dogs accidentally to other sites. 

These works are part of the development of the Whin Park refurbishment programme which requires replacement of the existing play equipment which is nearing end of life.

Once cleaned, repaired and refilled, the popular Whin Park boating activity on the pond will resume its well-loved summer seasonal service.

While the drainage and reclamation works are taking place at the pond, the Council asks that people observe the signage and temporary fencing that will be in place.

Access to Whin Park will be maintained throughout the works with no access to the pond.

9 Nov 2022