Achmelvich Beach Car Park and Public Toilets receive loan funding

Economy and Infrastructure Committee today (Thursday 10 November 2022) approved £300,00 loan funding towards an overall £1.046m investment to upgrade and create additional parking capacity and public toilets at Achmelvich Beach.

Economy and Infrastructure Chair, Cllr Ken Gowans said: “Achmelvich is a key destination for day visitors, it’s popularity has outgrown the current facilities and has been identified as a priority in the Highland Council Strategic Tourism Infrastructure Development Plan 2022.

“The project is shovel ready and Members are fully supportive of the upgrade and remain optimistic that with further investment that the project will progress in the near future and will be able to offer public facilities that meet the needs of visitors to the area, whilst being sympathetic to the beautiful surroundings.”

The project will be part funded by £0.500m RTIF, and £0.300m Highland Council loan funding with associated loan charges to be fully funded from income generated from parking charges from the Achmelvich Beach car park and toilet facilities. It leaves a funding gap of approx. £250,000, however funding options and applications have been submitted and the outcome will be determined in the near future. 

Achmelvich Beach car park and toilet project will allow the capacity to increase to accommodate 78 car parking spaces, new public toilets including disabled access facilities, baby changing and other tourism related infrastructure.

The project is committed to the most sustainable materials available to ensure it is developed as near net zero as possible, maximising sustainability in building construction and material choices. Any landscaping to the site will be minimal to not interfere with the existing landscape.

It is proposed to support the finance of the project to use £300,000 Highland Council capital loan finance to help support the infrastructure costs. The capital loan finance will be repaid over 20 years from income generated from Achmelvich car park fees. Parking charges will be compulsory, and the planned tariffs are as follows:

  • up to 4 hrs £3
  • up to 6 hrs £4
  • up to 8 hrs £5

It is estimated that the annual income will be between £32,109 and £50,050, which is sufficient to cover car park operational costs estimated at £2,300 per year and loan repayment charges estimated at £23,200 per year for 20 years (total £25,500).

Council Policy ensures that 50% of all surplus income will be allocated to the Sutherland County Committee.

The report can be access here

10 Nov 2022