Tenant participation hybrid engagement and communication model

Housing and Property Committee met today (Thursday 17 November 2022) and commended the hybrid tenant participation and engagement model currently being delivered across Highland.

Housing and Property Committee Chair, Cllr Glynis Sinclair said: “The report before Members today demonstrates the ongoing improvements made to ensure tenant participation and engagement is delivered using methods that allow for inclusive participations be it in person or via an online portal.

“Members commend the efforts of the Tenant and Engagement Participation Team and look forward with optimism, to continuing to grow The Highland Tenant Network and allow for tenants and other customers to be part of the design and delivery of housing services across Highland.”

Communication channels had to swiftly adapt during the pandemic when in person meetings couldn’t take place.  New ways of effectively communicating, using online engagement sessions were developed and feedback from many tenants indicated a desire to continue online communications as it was more inclusive and worked around other commitments. 

The Highland Tenant Network was formed and is a private online platform for tenants and customers to interact with Housing Officers and with each other. Participation continues to grow and provides up-to-date information on tenant services and engagement activity.

In person, face - to- face and telephone engagement sessions have resumed with the additionality of the online networks which has allowed web casts on a variety of topical subjects such as: Fire Safety, Mental Wellbeing, Energy Efficiency and Awareness of Scams to take place and reach more people.

The Tenant Participation Team have been supporting tenant groups to access external funding to enable them to carry out community projects in their area. These projects include food-growing projects, community fridge / larder projects and open advice days which are attended by the Council’s Welfare Team, energy advisors, Citizens Advice and other statutory services and advice agencies.

The Tenant Participation Team in collaboration with partnership groups are involved in the following:

  • The Tenant Participation Team carried out 12 ‘Rate Your Estate’ walkabouts across Highland during summer and autumn. They were well attended by tenants and residents, Council officers and Elected Members. The walkabouts enable tenants and residents to highlight issues that are important to them and prioritise work they would like to see carried out in the areas they live in. Action plans are now being worked through for each of the areas. Future ‘Rate Your Estate’ events are planned.

Worked closely with and provided support to the following tenant strategic and working groups:

  • Highland Tenant Scrutiny Group – this independently scrutinise policies and services, the most recent being the Empty Homes Standard.
  • Inclusive Housing & Independent Living Group (formally Highland Disability Panel) – this consults and works directly with Housing on those services and facilities which affect tenants with disabilities.
  • Value for Money Working Group – this consults and works directly with Housing on issues around budgets priorities, the HRA and rent setting.
  • Towards Net Zero Working Group – this consults and works directly with Housing on issues around energy efficiency and Scottish Government Net Zero targets to reflect tenant priorities.
  • Repairs Working Group – a short-term working group looking at improvements in the delivery of the repairs service.
  • Tenant Participation Strategy Working Group – this consults and works directly with Housing on reviewing the Tenant Participation Strategy and Action Plan and ongoing regular monitoring of the action plan.

A revised Tenant Participation Strategy 2023-2026 is currently being developed with the TP Strategy working group and will be circulated to Members once approved by tenants.


17 Nov 2022