Ross-shire residents donate gifts for children living in homeless accommodation

Dingwall - Tesco Gift Appeal

The Highland Council Housing and Property team and Tesco – Dingwall has joined forces for the sixth year running to kindly help Santa deliver Christmas gifts to children currently living in homeless accommodation in the Ross-Shire area.

Santa visited the Tesco-Dingwall store on Friday 9 December 2022 along with local Councillors, Council Housing team staff and Tesco Dingwall staff to collect the generous gift donations.

Dingwall and Seaforth Area Committee Chair, Cllr Graham MacKenzie said: “We are overwhelmed by the generosity of staff and customers at the Tesco-Dingwall store. For the sixth year in a row now, Tesco - Dingwall approached the Council and asked if we would be part of the Christmas gift appeal, and we were again delighted to accept their generous offer.

“Thank you to all that kindly donated and to the staff at Tesco-Dingwall for promoting the appeal. The housing team will distribute the gifts in plenty time for Christmas to offer reassurance to those currently living in difficult circumstances that the community of Ross-shire cares.”

Dingwall and Seaforth Area Committee Vice Chair, Cllr Margaret Patterson said: “It is heart-warming to know that despite the financial challenges that are impacting all our communities, people have kindly donated to make sure that the children living in homeless accommodation across Ross-shire will open a special gift on Christmas day.”

Highland Council Principal Housing Officer, Derek Manson said: “Being homeless is challenging for anyone and being homeless with children, at this time of year, can be particularly difficult. Despite the determined efforts of the Housing team in Dingwall to permanently rehouse all homeless persons as quickly as possible, inevitably there are families in temporary, but suitable, accommodation over Christmas. Like previous years we have been staggered by the generosity of the management, staff and customers at Tesco – Dingwall, and I would like to express my sincere thanks to every one of them for their outstanding support.”

Tesco Community Champion, Michelle MacKay said, “It has been great to see such a positive response to our Christmas gift appeal here in the Dingwall store. 2022 has been particularly challenging and we wanted to do something positive in our community and spread a little ‘Christmas Kindness’ to those children who are currently living in homeless accommodation. Thank you to everyone who donated to the appeal this year and we wish you all a Merry Christmas.”

Ross-shire currently has 18 homeless households with children, in suitable temporary accommodation, who will receive Christmas gifts thanks to the donations made by the public.

14 Dec 2022