Highland Staff and pupils Urged To conserve Energy

Staff and pupils in Highland schools are being urged to play their part in containing spiralling energy costs. Bruce Robertson, The Highland Council’s Director of Education Culture and Sport, has written to his 220 head teachers, leisure centre managers and key administrative staff to encourage them to do all they can to conserve energy and reduce bills.

The Service is facing an increased fuel bill of £1.5 million in this financial year as the result of rising energy costs.

In a note to head teachers and managers, Mr Robertson said: "I am sure that you are well aware of the significant increases in the price of energy and fuel from your own domestic circumstances. We are also facing the huge challenge of harnessing appropriate and sustainable energy sources, the impact of fossil fuels and the need for our young people to relate to such matters as the citizens of tomorrow.

"Schools, leisure centres, swimming pools and other public buildings are major users of energy. Every £1 we spend on this is a £1 we do not have for books, paper, salaries and so on.

"Accordingly I am seeking your support to begin to effect change in our approaches to energy use.  While there are structural changes and investment in our buildings that we require to make, there are small but important changes we can all make to energy use.  Pupils and staff, parents and customers can all play their part, initially by putting into practice some simple Energy Management measures.

"I see this as one of the biggest challenges currently facing us but one where we have a huge impact to make, not just in short term financial gain, but in the long term educational process."

Mr Robertson attached to his letter a note on energy management, including tips on reducing use of light and heat.

The Council as a whole is expected to face a £6 million energy bill in this financial year and has set up an Energy Management Working Group to identify ways of increasing energy efficiency, reducing carbon emissions, reducing energy consumption through behavioural change and awareness raising and increasing use of renewable energy. The remit of the Group is to develop a 10-year strategy for energy management in Council properties.

25 Apr 2006