Highland Housing Alliance Appoints New Chief Executive

The newly-formed Highland Housing Alliance, a development organisation established by local Housing Associations operating in the area and The Highland Council, with the support of Communities Scotland and Highlands and Islands Enterprise, has appointed a chief executive.

She is Susan Torrance, currently Managing Director of Tulloch Homes Express Ltd and a former director for eight years of the Invergordon-based Albyn Housing Society Ltd.

Susan, who is a qualified solicitor with a broad range of experience in rural development, hails from Tain in Easter Ross. She is due to take up her new post on Monday 8 August. She also currently serves on the Board of Highlands and Islands Enterprise.

Susan said:  "I believe that the Alliance can play a pivotal role in accelerating the provision of housing for all the people of the Highlands, with a particular mission to increase our affordable housing stock. Housing is the one issue that is time and time again identified as a constraint on the area’s economic and social development. It needs an united effort from housing associations, private developers and public agencies to make things happen, and I am looking forward to working with the Alliance Board to make a difference."

Councillor Drew McFarlane Slack, Chairman of Highland Housing Alliance, said: "I am delighted that Susan has been appointed as our chief executive. She has a wealth of experience in housing matters and her leadership will be vital in driving forward the development of a full range of housing solutions to meet the needs of the Highland population. This will involve identifying sites for future housing developments and working with the private housing providers."

Highland Housing Alliance was established earlier this year by Albyn Housing Society Ltd, Cairn, Lochalsh and Skye, Lochaber and Pentland Housing Associations as well as the Highland Small Communities Housing Trust, the Highland Housing and Community Care Trust and Highland Council.  It is fostered and supported by Communities Scotland and Highland and Islands Enterprise, as well as its member organisations.

10 May 2006