Councillors donate Christmas collection to MFR Cash For Kids appeal

Members donate Christmas collection to MFR Cash For Kids Mission Christmas Appeal
Highland Council Convener/Vice Convener secretary Ellyn Ferguson (left) unit hands over the cheque for £525 on behalf of Convener Cllr Bill Lobban to MFR Cash for Kids Mission Christmas Appeal's Helen MacPherson at the charity's office at the Co-op on Telford Street, Inverness.

Highland Council Members have raised £525 in their annual Christmas collection which will be donated to MFR's Cash for Kids Mission Christmas Appeal.

The money was collected at last week's meeting of Highland Council when Councillors gathered at the local authority headquarters in Inverness.

Highland Council Convener, Cllr Bill Lobban thanked everyone for their generosity and said: "This year, perhaps more than any other, families need support and I am pleased that the money we have raised will go some way to providing that.

"The MFR Cash For Kids Mission Christmas appeal plays such an important role at this time of year and their experienced and knowledgeable team is able to target support where it is most needed.”

14 Dec 2022