Positive reports from Care Inspectorate

staff and pupils from Achiltibuie nursery

The Highland Council welcomes the positive Care Inspectorate Inspection reports on Achiltibuie Primary School Nursery and Lochinver Primary School.

Following the inspection, Achiltibuie Primary School Nursery received a ‘5 – Very Good’ rating across all categories.

The report noted, “Children experienced a setting that was very welcoming, clean, and inviting. The playroom was comfortable and homely and benefitted from plenty of natural light and ventilation. Furniture and resources were of a high standard and organised to support free flow play indoors. This all promoted a strong sense that children matter.”

Lochinver Primary School also received praise in their recent report as they were award a ‘4 – Good’ rating across all categories.

The report for Lochinver Primary noted, “Across the school, staff have created bright, attractive, and well-organised learning environments. Staff make very good use of the school grounds and the exceptional local natural environment of Assynt to motivate children. Children’s environmental, geographical, and historical knowledge of their community is developing very well as a result.”

Head Teacher at both settings, Colin Masterson said: “I am so pleased for our schools as the reports reflect all the hard work and effort that has gone into creating a safe and nurturing environment for our pupils.

“The Nursery improvement at Achiltibuie had taken place under the restrictions of Covid-19 and the positive results are a testament to the caring and dedicated nature of all staff involved. We have demonstrated that we are a nursery where caring relationships and child led learning are at the heart of everything we do.

“The whole school community at Lochinver Primary has worked hard to ensure that even with the interruptions during the pandemic that quality learning continued. Lochinver is a happy and caring school where pupils are switched on and engaged with their learning, and where learning takes place inside, outside and in the wider community.”

30 Dec 2022