HMIE report on Thrumster Primary School, Caithness

A recently published HMI report on two-teacher Thrumster Primary School in Caithness, has praised the very good standards of attainment in English language and mathematics, together with teachers’ high expectations of pupils’ overall achievements.  Also highlighted are the pupils’ positive attitude to learning, the high quality of teaching and the very good leadership of the head teacher. The good quality of relationships between the school, home and the wider community is praised as was the warm caring climate fostered by the staff.  They recommended that the head teacher should develop the role of parents in monitoring and evaluating the life and work of the school.

The inspectors encouraged the staff and the authority to strive to continue to provide the high quality and improving standard of education they found during their visit.  They noted in their report that the school is in a strong position to develop further approaches to involve pupils in improving their learning across the curriculum.

While the resources in the school were generally highly commended, inspectors would like to see improved facilities to develop pupils’ skills with information and communication technology.  At a more basic level, they proposed that the authority should plan to improve the toilet facilities.

Mrs Linsey Mackay, head teacher, commented:  “I am extremely pleased that the report recognises the effort that staff and pupils have put into creating a school we are all very proud of.  The inspection was a valuable experience for all of us and the points for action will be included in our School Development Plan for the coming session.  Some work has already begun to address the main points for action.”

On reading the report, the Chair of the School Board, said, “The school is very well supported by parents, carers and the local community. As the school progresses towards more parental involvement we expect it to go from strength to strength. The HMIE report has given us tremendous encouragement to continue working at increasing the strong links between the parent body and the school for the benefit of everyone involved.”

1 May 2007