HMIe on Edderton Primary School

A recently published HMIe report on the two-teacher 21-pupil Edderton Primary School, has praised the good standards of attainment in English language and mathematics, together with teachers’ high expectations of pupils’ overall achievements.  Also highlighted are the stimulating opportunities for pupils to achieve within and outwith the formal curriculum through a variety of activities in the school and in the wider community.  The inspectors praise the good leadership of the head teacher, who has managed change very effectively since her appointment.  They commend the fact that she has focused on raising pupil attainment and on building effective staff team work, to the benefit of the school and the community. The very good relationships between staff and pupils and their quality of care are praised.

The inspectors encouraged the school to improve assessment to plan pupils’ work and to track their progress more effectively. They also highlighted the need for the school to continue to develop monitoring procedures to focus on improving pupils’ learning.
Mrs Christine Gordon, head teacher, said:  “I am extremely pleased that the report highlights the effort that staff and pupils have put into creating a school we are all very proud of.  The inspection has helped us to focus on key issues we need to address and the recommendations will be included in our School Development Plan for the coming session.  Some work has already begun to address immediate issues”

Richard Beasley, Chair of the School Board, said: “The report reflects the very good work of the school, which is already well supported by parents, carers and the local community. We will continue to support the staff as they address the inspectors’ recommendations and will foster the strong links we have with the school for the benefit of everyone involved.”


1 May 2007