Countryside access event proves a hit with dog owners

An event organised by The Highland Council in Caithness during the Scottish Outdoor Access Festival (April 28th to May 7th) has proven a success with local dog owners.

Over one hundred people and their dogs attended the Access Festival event held in Dunnet Forest on Saturday 28th April. During the event, owners and their dogs were able to demonstrate their skills in the show ring, including the dog that did the best tricks, had the waggiest tail, or along with their owners, had the best six legs.

After the show they were able to take part in a trail that tested their sense of smell and agility as well as their owners general knowledge of the dog world and the access code

The Council’s Countryside Rangers gave a demonstration of responsible dog ownership and P.C. George Ewing, Northern Constabulary’s Wildlife Crime Officer explained some of the new changes in the law with regard to disturbance of wildlife and birds during the breeding season.

The event was run jointly by the Council’s Countryside Rangers for Caithness and north Sutherland, the Council’s dog warden, the SSPCA and Labrador Rescue.

Mary Legg said: “So many of the dogs were so well behaved which made it such a good day. The next event we are organising for the Access Festival is Saturday 5th May,  ‘Wheel and Trek’ past Altnabreac, starting at 11am at Loch More. This challenge is aimed at horse riders and cyclists.”

For more details contact Mary Legg tel: 01847 821531.

The Highland Council’s Countryside Rangers are part of the Planning and Development Service and are supported in their work by Scottish Natural Heritage.

2 May 2007