Kirkhill Pupil Is National Cross Country Champion

Mhairi Maclennan, a P7 pupil from Kirkhill Primary School, has won the Scottish Power Primary Cross Country Championships which took place at Kirkcaldy High School on Saturday 22 April.

Mhairi, who led all the way, has consistently won races throughout the past few years due to her perseverance and ability which has been improved through the training she has received from Kirkhill Primary school janitor, Mr Mark Sloggie.

Mark, runs training sessions two dinner times a week plus extra training in his own time on Saturday mornings at Reelig Glen.  He and his wife Julie accompanied the pupils competing in the championships to give extra encouragement and support

Head Teacher, Mrs Cris Ford, said:  “This is a wonderful achievement and we are all very proud of Mhairi who held off some stiff competition from other young runners to win the championships.

“I would like to thank our janitor Mark Sloggie as his commitment is a major part of all our pupils’ success either in gaining greater personal fitness or winning competitions.

“Mark has the help of a parent, local runner and fireman Mr Mike Bond to help the children pace themselves and set an example of what they can achieve. We are very proud of  all the pupils who turn out twice a week to train.”

8 May 2007