Industrial Action In Inverness

A spokesman said the Council was willing to meet with representatives of the trade union to discuss their concerns about changes to transport arrangements at the Corbett Centre, Inverness, a day centre for people with learning difficulties, and the Mackenzie Centre, Inverness, a day centre for older people. Both centres provide services to 40 people each week day.

Previously, two specially adapted minibuses were dedicated to each centre.  A review identified that the minibuses were not fully used. In seeking savings, the Council agreed to reduce the number of minibuses from four to three, making more efficient use of resources across the two centres, and avoiding the need to make savings on staff. The fourth minibus is now used by the Education Culture and Sport Service.

Some concerns were raised by staff about transporting older people and people with learning disabilities together for health and safety reasons.

The Highland Council reassured families and staff that:-
• Services users from the different centres  would continue to have their separate travel arrangements;.
• If  changes to this were proposed,risk assessments would be undertaken;
• Proposed changes would be the subject to consultation with staff.

9 May 2007