Rangers get up close with nature at Abriachan Forest.

Highland Council’s Countryside Rangers are inviting members of the public to slow down and get up close and personal with nature on a Spring walk this weekend at Abriachan Forest.

On Sunday 13th May, participants are asked to meet at Abriachan Forest Trust car park at 2pm to join the Rangers on this woodland walk to investigate what is living in the woods.

Mairi Nicolson, Highland Council’s countryside ranger for Inverness West said: “We race through life sometimes and forget to stop and look at what is happening around us.  This is a fun family event that will make people stop and look and maybe want to get up close and personal with nature. We’ll be asking folks to take a good look at the world about them….a really good look”

This event is organised as part of The Highland Council’s Planning and Development Services countryside events programme.  This event is suitable for family groups, and all children must be accompanied by an adult. It is free to attend and lasts for approximately two hours until 4pm. To book a place or for further information contact 01463 710786.

The Highland Council Countryside Rangers are a partnership between The Highland Council and Scottish Natural Heritage with the aim of promoting public enjoyment and appreciation of the countryside and conserving wildlife.


9 May 2007