Council urges residents to have their say in Alness and Invergordon.

Residents in Invergordon and Alness are being reminded by The Highland Council to return  completed questionnaires which are part of a  survey on the local Community Warden Service to the Council by Friday 18th May.

Around 1750 households in the Community Warden areas of Coulpark, Firhill, Kirkside, Milnafua and Westford in Alness, and South Lodge in Invergordon have been asked by the Council for their opinions.

The 5 minute-survey offers residents the opportunity  to tell Council officials how they feel about their community as a place to live and what types of Anti-Social Behaviour worries them most.

Tracey Urry, Area Housing Manager, said: “This is the fourth year that we have run this survey.  It helps us continue to shape the work that the Community Wardens do and helps them prioritise their work so they can address what concerns residents most.”

The postal questionnaire sent to households should be returned to Housing Services in the pre-paid envelopes by Friday, 18 May 2007.


9 May 2007