Committee approves employability services programme that aims to tackle poverty and barriers to work

Members of The Highland Council’s Economy and Infrastructure Committee were today (Thursday 4 May) given an overview of the employability services delivered by the Council and its partners, and approved priorities for the coming year.

Members heard that during 2022-23 The Council’s Employability team, together with public, private and third-sector partners delivered a suite of activity across Highland, supporting 680 people of whom 257 gained employment as a result.

Chair of the Committee, Cllr Ken Gowans said: “Whilst unemployment across Highland remains low, getting a job and underemployment are deep rooted issues for certain people.

“I want to thank our Employability team and partners who are working hard to deliver an ambitious programme which provides support where it is needed most. This collaborative approach is the best way forward as it allows for us to be responsive and to design and deliver very local tailored services in communities across the Highlands. It is not a case of “one-size fits all”. The team are taking a far more place-based approach that considers local needs and local job opportunities.”

During 2022-23 the Employability team, together with contracted third and private sector providers and Challenge Fund grant recipients, delivered a suit of activity across Highland which included:

  • Core key worker services
  • Bespoke employability activities
  • Online group work
  • Specialist intensive support and industry specific training
  • New pilot approaches to engagement to open up referral routes for hard-to-reach priority client groups
  • Paid work experience placements; and
  • Job creation grants (HERO)

After discussing the overview of developments within employability services including looking at projects undertaken over the last 12 months and considering future work streams, Members approved:

  • A programme of activity for 2023-24 for Highland Council and partners on the Highland Employability Partnership to deliver an all-age employability service aimed at raising as many Highland residents as possible out of poverty.
  • Within this and in line with Scottish Government priorities, a focus on tackling child poverty by supporting families to increase household incomes through overcoming barriers to employment or to help raise incomes for those already in work.
  • The establishment of a new Challenge Fund designed to meet local skills gaps, including those within the green economy as part of Highland Council’s allocation from the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund.


4 May 2023