Members approve next steps for three Council owned airfields

Ashaig airfield near Broadford
Ashaig airfield near Broadford

Members at today’s (4 May 2023) Economy and Infrastructure Committee reviewed and approved the next steps for the future of Highland Council's three airfields. 

The report highlights that current resource committed to the operation and maintenance of the airfields at Ashaig in Skye, Dornoch and Plockton is not sufficient to meet all of the maintenance liabilities and legal requirements. 

Chair of the Economy and Infrastructure Committee, Cllr Ken Gowans, said: “Today was an opportunity for members to review the airfield estate and analyse the usage. 

“Now that the recommendations contained in this detailed report have been all been approved, we can now take the recommendations forward.” 

As part of the discussions at committee members were asked to: 

  • Approve a Risk Register (Item 13 appendix 1) and the ongoing plan to address and reduce risk across the airfields e.g., by updating signage and repairing boundary markers. 

  • Approve the implementation of online PPR system at Ashaig and Dornoch, based on the conclusions presented in Appendix 2 (Item 13 appendix 2). 

  • Agree that the Council should continue to operate Ashaig airfield in a manner which meets all necessary legal obligations and ensures the airfield is maintained to a level which will support operation of commercial services, until such time as further developments with regards to scheduled air services are made. 

  • Agree that The Council should seek to offer a lease on Dornoch airfield to one of the interested parties in the local community. 

  • Agree that The Council should explore opportunities for either the sale or the long-term lease of Plockton airfield. 

The report contained a number of recommendations, which took cognisance of the current issues and liabilities, some of which are detailed below: 

  • Opportunities for either the sale or the long-term lease of the Plockton airfield should be explored, as both represent potential income-generation options for the Council. 

  • The Council should continue to operate Ashaig airfield in a manner which meets all necessary legal obligations, until such time as further developments with regards to scheduled air services are made. 

  • The Council should seek to offer a lease on Dornoch airfield to one of the interested parties in the local community, allowing its continued operation as an asset for the community while removing risk and liability from the Council.  Should no such agreement be reached within the 2023/24 financial year, the Council should consider ceasing active operations at Dornoch airfield and seek alternative uses for the site 

4 May 2023