Fort William Town Centre regeneration masterplan moves forward


The Highland Council is working in partnership with Highland and Islands Enterprise and Lochaber Chamber of Commerce to prepare a masterplan for the regeneration of Fort William town centre. 

The masterplan will seek to build on the success of the Fort William 2040 work by providing a range of actions and proposals to create a vibrant and sustainable town centre. The plan sets to demonstrate how the town centre can become the focal point for the whole community, evoking a real sense of place as well as providing a positive experience for the thousands of visitors who enjoy what Lochaber has to offer.

Economy and Infrastructure Committee Chair, Cllr Ken Gowans said: “Fort William is the central hub for Lochaber- ‘The Outdoor Capital of the UK’ and of huge importance to the surrounding communities it serves. Locals are the guardians of the town centre and play a key role in revitalising, repurposing, and reshaping to offer a sense of place for both the Lochaber residents and the thousands of tourists who visit the area each year.

“Fort William 2040 (FW2040) has already demonstrated the strength in collaborative working and I look forward with optimism to the next phase of planning for the town centre.”

It will create a shared sense of purpose, optimism, and an aligned goal. The Fort William 2040 (FW2040) Programme Board will be responsible for overseeing the implementation of the masterplan. The masterplan aims to be dynamic and will require innovative ideas, research, and a solution-based approach to ensure the best outcomes can be achieved. It is essential to work with the local champions, interest groups, the business community, residents, private sector, and other public delivery agencies to develop and implement the masterplan.

The Council will use specialist external support to help develop the proposals to ensure that they are robust, realistic, and deliverable.

Lochaber Area Committee Chair, Cllr Kate Willis said: “The development of a town centre masterplan that includes Fort William High Street, the waterfront, the travel centre, and Nevis Centre is well overdue, and I look forward to seeing the vision developed. Input and help from the Lochaber community will be critical to the success of the masterplan, and I urge everyone to get involved and attend the consultation events which will begin late summer.”

HIE Area Manager for Lochaber, Skye and Wester Ross and Chair of FW2040 Programme Board, Alastair Nicolson said: “Input from a broad range of stakeholders will be essential to develop a shared and ambitious vision for Fort William that reflects the needs of the wider Lochaber community and makes best use of the land and buildings in the heart of the town.”

Lochaber Chamber of Commerce CEO, Frazer Coupland said: “Through a strategic masterplan and a collaborative place based approach, we believe we can revitalise people’s relationships with the town centre by shaping its design and characteristics for the future.

“Fort William is a place of natural capital and has many unique characteristics and histories and this announcement feels like we are being presented an opportunity to work towards the regeneration of the town.”

Further details on how people can get involved will be released in due course.


15 May 2023