Climate Change Committee members welcome Net Zero Strategy and send to full Council for approval

Karl Rose
Chair of Highland Council Climate Change Committee, Cllr Karl Rosie

Members of the Climate Change Committee today recommended that Highland Council’s Net Zero Strategy be taken forward for ratification by full Council at its meeting on 29 June 2023. 

Councillors at today’s meeting of the Climate Change Committee considered the draft Net Zero Strategy presented to them.  They noted that following ratification by full Council, a fully costed action plan will be developed for consideration by the end of December 2023. 

A workshop was held on 18 April for Climate Change Committee Members to review the draft Net Zero Strategy and route map. The Senior Leadership Group was also invited to participate in the afternoon session, which included setting target dates. 

Climate Change Committee Members recommended the targets detailed within the route map included in the strategy. 

This includes setting the following key targets for the Council: 

  • reduce emissions by at least 75% by 2030 

  • reduce emissions by at least 90% by 2040 

Net Zero is a term that means achieving an overall balance between greenhouse gas emissions produced and emissions taken out of the atmosphere. This balance – or net zero – will happen when the emissions we add to the atmosphere are no more than the amount removed. 

Chair of the Climate Change Committee, Cllr Karl Rosie, said: “We welcome the draft Net Zero Strategy, and we are delighted to recommend it for approval by full Council in June. 

“To reach Net Zero, Highland Council must reduce emissions relating to fleet, waste, and energy use across our estate (which will reduce the emissions put into the atmosphere).” 

The strategy will focus on: 

  • Developing our people 

  • Protecting wildlife and conserving natural resources 

  • Promoting a sustainable waste culture & circular economy 

  • Reducing travel emissions 

  • Planning 

A Net Zero Strategy Group was set up, comprising officers working across council services, who lead on developing the net zero strategy and action plan for the Council. 

Cllr Rosie added: “Adopting an evidence-led approach allows the strategy and subsequent action to become a living documents. 

“Climate change is an ever-evolving issue. Our approach ensures constant review and updates that reflect developments in data, changing market conditions, innovations, and approaches to the climate change challenge.” 

The strategy highlights the complexities of cutting emissions altogether. While our focus is, first and foremost, to reduce emissions as far as possible. The strategy acknowledges the requirement for some offset in ‘residual’ emissions will be needed. 

The Council is already considering changes in land use to absorb more carbon dioxide and are exploring sequestration through technologies that provide carbon capture, usage, and storage solutions. 

The strategy will also focus on a number of key functions such as: 

  • Schools – both primary and secondary 

  • High Life Highland buildings 

  • Council offices 

  • SW facilities 

  • Depots, etc. 

There are a number of Change Projects contained within the strategy, including: 

  • Fabric Improvement 

  • Reducing the number of buildings we occupy 

  • Improve the energy efficiency of the estate 

  • Installation of LED lighting 

  • Installation of renewable energy generation technologies, e.g. photovoltaic panels 

  • Making use of new technologies, e.g. smart monitoring systems in buildings 

  • Installation of building management systems 

  • Installation of Low and Zero Carbon heating systems 

  • Heating Policy 

  • Behaviour Change 

The detailed Net Zero Strategy can be found on our website at Item 4

17 May 2023