Nairn BID proposal and BID Ballot to be considered by Highland Council 

Members of the Nairnshire Area Committee met (15 May 2023) agreed to recommend to The Highland Council at its meeting on 29 June 2023 that as a potential BID levy payer the Council supports the Nairn BID Ltd Proposal in the next potential BID ballot. 

Nairn Councillors have considered and noted Nairn Bid Ltd’s – “Nairn Connects Business Improvement District business proposal” for the BID term of 01/09/2023 to 31/08/2028. 

Nairnshire Committee Chair, Cllr Michael Green said: “Nairn Councillors are very supportive of the partnership working with Nairn BID and the contributions that the BID makes to the town.  

“The Nairn BID Business Proposal demonstrates how over the last 5 years, Nairn BID has invested in Nairn as a great place to live and work.  

“Nairn Councillors have agreed to recommend to The Highland Council that it supports the new 5-year term of Nairn BID.” 

Nairn BID proposes to go to ballot on 24 August 2023. 

The Nairnshire Committee has power to comment on BID proposals and the recommendation made by this Committee in respect of the BID Ballot will be given to the Council when it meets on 29 June 2023. Highland Council will decide on how to cast its ballot at this meeting as the Council itself would be a levy payer. 

Nairn BID draft business plan can be viewed at this link: (Appendix 1: page 6–39 inclusive) 

19 May 2023