Council Seek Urgent Meeting Over Safe Route to UCI Mountain Bike Venue

Highland Councillors in Lochaber have expressed their “deep concern and disappointment” at the news that Transport Scotland, the national transport agency for Scotland, will be unable to play a key role in ensuring the success of the UCI Mountain Bike and Trials World Championships to be held in Lochaber in September.

Transport Scotland has confirmed it will not now be able to construct a cycle path between Lochybridge and Torlundy, which would allow pedestrians and cyclists to by-pass the busy A 82 road in travelling to and from Fort William to the venue at Nevis Range.

Lochaber members on The Highland Council want an early meeting with agency to underline the importance of the cycle track and to try to resolve the matter.

Council Wards Manager for Lochaber, Dot Ferguson, has written to Ainslie McLaughlin, Director of Trunk Roads Infrastruture, Transport Scotland, to highlight local concerns.

She said: “Despite the fact that this path has been planned for a very long time, it is only within the past two weeks that it has become clear that it cannot be constructed in time.  We are deeply concerned and extremely disappointed in this belated admission by Transport Scotland. The absence of a safe route between Fort William and the venue creates significant road safety issues. Councillors are also concerned that there will be considerable damage to Lochaber’s reputation in its ability to host major events.

“Several of our partners in the Fort William Steering Group and Lochaber Partnership have written to Mr McLaughlin in support of our views and we hope this will result in a positive outcome.”

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23 May 2007