20mph roll-out across Highland gathers pace
![photo of 20mph sign](http://www.highland.gov.uk/images/Marybank_20mph.jpg)
The installation of the Highland wide 20 mph programme delivery continues a pace with over 75% of the work complete on the ground and the remainder of the settlement installation work ongoing The Temporary Road Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) for the new 20mph speed limits on Council roads went live on Monday (31 July 2023).
ANSCO Signs Ltd, a local company, based at Tomich Industrial Estate in Muir of Ord, who were awarded the contract for sign manufacturing, continues to be kept busy producing the new speed limit signs. The council has created a short video to show the process from start to finish.
The Highland Council’s Road Safety Team continues to work very closely with colleagues in Transport Scotland with regards to 20mph limits on the Trunk Road network going through our communities as they have responsibility for the delivery of the TTRO and signage installation works on the Trunk Roads. It is expected that the legal orders to bring 20 mph speed limits into effect on our Trunk Roads, at locations agreed with Highland Council, along with the associated signing, will be completed as soon as possible.
Chair of the Economy & infrastructure Committee, Cllr Ken Gowans said: “Our Road Safety Team have been working very hard to get this ambitious project to this stage of roll-out. The consultation work, which is part of the statutory process to consider any adjustments that may be beneficial, as part of this pilot, before making any of new limits permanent. We will now continue our engagement with communities seeking their feedback and opinions in local contexts. This, along with our review of how the speed limits themselves are performing, will allow decisions to be made regarding the performance of the 20 mph limits and whether these will be maintained going forward, whether further work is required to support the new limits or in certain areas speeds will revert back to 30mph. Speed count data at over 250 sites around the council area will be gathered in the autumn as part of this ongoing work.”
Detailed information with regards to the programme including an interactive map showing the location of all the 20 mph schemes in Highland Communities, the Council wide TTRO and schedule and more info on the road to permanence can be found on the council’s website