Easter Ross Area Committee members note the approval of Ward Discretionary projects

Members of the Easter Ross Area Committee today (7 August 2023) noted the range of projects that had been supported with Ward Discretionary budgets. 

Cllr Derek Louden commented: “It is encouraging to see how our local Ward Budget can support such a range of projects, helping communities to support and deliver on local priorities.” 

The approved applications were: 

Cromarty Firth Ward: 

  • Cromarty Firth Ward Saltburn & Westwood Community Council - Garden Social Area were successful in their bid for £130 of funding. 

  • Cromarty Firth Environmental Group - Town Gardening received funding of £2850. 

  • Invergordon Community Council - Christmas lights storage received £2,000. 

  • Saltburn & Westwood Community Council - Flower Basket Planting were granted £700. 

Cromarty Firth Ward COVID Response Budget: 

  • Cromarty Firth Ward Covid Response Budget Invergordon Bowling Club - New Street signage - £190. 

  • Saltburn & Westwood Community Council - Garden Social Area - £1,500.00 

Tain & Easter Ross Ward Discretionary Budget: 

  • Tain Task Force - Tain Environmental Improvements/Rose Garden Fence repairs - £3,864. 

  • Nigg & Shandwick Community Council - Shandwick Bay Carpark - £ 400 

  • Tain & District Youth Café - Contribution to Running Costs - £1,375 

7 Aug 2023