E&I Members homologate response to New National Parks in Scotland Appraisal Framework

Members of Highland Council’s Economy and Infrastructure Committee today (17 August 2023) homologated the local authority’s response to the New National Parks in Scotland Appraisal Framework and the Nomination Process and Draft Appraisal Framework. 

The Scottish Government has committed to designating at least one new National Park in Scotland by the end of this Parliamentary session in 2026 and is seeking nominations for a new National Park from within local communities. 

It will be for local groups and organisations, which could include a local authority, to submit a nomination for their area.  

Highland Council’s E&I Committee members agreed that Highland Council will promote the pre-registration process within Highland. 

Chair of the Economy and Infrastructure Committee, Cllr Ken Gowans said: “Members today agreed that the Council will promote pre-registration to local communities to ensure that all interested groups get the opportunity to consider whether their area would be suitable for nomination as a new National Park before the February 2024 deadline.” 

Members further agreed the governance procedure for the Council to provide support to nominations for National Park designation. 

The draft selection criteria asks that nominating groups demonstrate, with evidence, the level of support for the nomination from the local authority.  

It was agreed that all nominations seeking Council support will be subject to a simplified assessment process by officers to ensure the nomination does not raise any significant concerns or issues. Nominations will be discussed with local area Members at the earliest opportunity. 

Among the two most important criteria for nomination are: 

  • Criterion 1 – is the area of outstanding national importance because of its natural heritage or the combination of its natural and cultural heritage. If an area is to be nominated as a National Park it is this criterion that fundamentally underpins the designation. 

  • Criterion 7 – considers what benefits designation would bring to a range of strategic priorities, including nature restoration, climate mitigation, green investment, skills and jobs, and nature-friendly farming 

In the Council’s response to the Scottish Government a number of additional comments were made regarding criterion 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. The importance of the availability and affordability of housing has been raised as a particular issue with a new component being suggested for Criterion 7 to ask nominating bodies to consider how the issue of housing may be addressed. 

The full Highland Council response to the Scottish Government’s New National Parks in Scotland Appraisal Framework and the Nomination Process and Draft Appraisal Framework can be found in the Appendix for Item 13. 

17 Aug 2023