Visitor Levy Bill

The Highland Council’s Economy and Infrastructure Committee met today (Thursday 17 August 2023) and noted the legislative process for the Local Visitor Levy Bill, including the likely timescales and implications for its introduction in Highland.

Members discussed and agreed the key issues which will inform the Council’s response to the Scottish Parliament’s consultation on the Visitor Levy Bill. The proposed key points can be found in appendix 1 of the report here (Item 18).

Economy and Infrastructure Committee Chair, Cllr Ken Gowans said: “The Highland tourism sector offers vital economic benefit to the Highlands and Islands and the Local Tourism Levy helps to ensure its sustainability; the revenue generated will enable the Council to deliver much needed long term investment in the tourism sector.

“A strategic priority contained within the Council’s Administration Programme 2022-2027, is to work with partners and stakeholders to address service delivery challenges with a positive approach to change. One of the identified actions is to implement the tourism levy as an enabler to improve infrastructure and enhance the visitor experience.

“Collaboration around the levy and the proposed legislation is essential towards developing a well-informed tourism strategy that is most appropriate for the Highland. We have already started the process, so that we are in a position to introduce the levy as early as possible.”

The Scottish Parliament’s Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee issued a ‘call for views’ on the Bill on 26 June 2023 with a deadline of 1 September for responses. The consultation, which is open to the public, has now been extended by 2 weeks to 15 September 2023.  The Parliament has also created an online ‘Citizen Space’ which allows for more informal comments to be made on the key issues relating to the Bill.

Following approval by Parliament, the Bill will then be sent for Royal Assent before coming into law.

The parliamentary process began in spring 2023 and usually takes around 12-14 months to complete.

The full report can be found here (Item 18)

17 Aug 2023