Members agree refining of Council’s approach to developer contributions & how communities can contribute ideas

Highland Council’s Economy & Infrastructure Committee yesterday (17 August 2023) agreed two reports that relate to developer contributions and the next steps for the preparation of a new style Development Plan for Highland. 

One of the reports confirmed how a new Development Plan aims to represent all partners and communities across Highland.

Chair of the Economy and Infrastructure Committee, Cllr Ken Gowans, said: “Scottish Government guidance expects new-style development plans to be place-based, people-centred and delivery-focused.

“This is our current focus, and we are going to develop a programme of engagement that allows people to put their place and priorities on the map, and safeguard and strengthen the resilience of Highland communities, businesses and environment.”

He added: “I think its important people feel they can influence plans and decisions that affect them.”

Further information on National Planning Framework NPF(4) and the Development Plan for Highland can be found in Item 12 of the report, which was presented to Members at Highland Council Headquarters in Inverness yesterday.

The process of preparing the plan is starting with an information gathering stage to help achieve common understanding of the status and future priorities for the region. 

Approval of the report by Members yesterday will lead to a programme of engagement activities to seek the views of those living, working, and visiting Highland.

Local community groups are also being encouraged to prepare Local Place Plans for their community as part of the evidence for the plan.

A separate report (Item 8) updated and refined the Council’s approach to developer contributions and how communities and members can contribute their ideas and suggestions.

Further guidance on the programme for engagement for Highland Local Development Plan will be made available at

18 Aug 2023