Highland residents urged to transfrom something today in recycle week 2007.

Highland residents are being encouraged to get involved in this year’s national Recycle Week campaign by making a long-term commitment to recycle more household waste.

Launching on Saturday 2 June, this annual week long event - supported by The Highland Council, the Scottish Waste Awareness Group (SWAG) with the backing of TV presenter Denise Van Outen, features the theme of ‘transformation’ and will urge people to “transform” their attitudes and behaviour towards recycling.

With recycling in Scotland on the increase (81 per cent of the Scottish public now participate in some form of recycling and around 26 per cent of the Highland’s municipal waste was either recycled or composted last year) the campaign aims to encourage everyone to recycle even more household waste by offering information on what, how and where they can recycle.

The Highland Council website has useful information on all the Council’s Recycling services. The Recycle Week website is also a useful source of information on where to recycle specific materials across local communities. Staff from the Councils Waste Management Unit will be attending local events in Dingwall, Boat of Garten, Culloden and Avoch to promote Recycle Week 2007.

The Council’s Head of Waste Management Colin Clark added his support to the campaign. He said: “Recycle Week provides a great platform for people all over Scotland to either start recycling or to increase the amount they currently do.

“With the transformation theme of this year’s event, we’re also hoping people will look at new and creative ways of reusing waste materials rather than simply getting rid of them.

“The Council now delivers a kerbside recycle service to almost 70% of highland households Residents also have access to an increased number of local Recycling Centres and Points across our communities, recycling has never been easier or more convenient.’’


1 Jun 2007