First Local Place Plan registered in Highland
The Highland Council is pleased to announce that the Stratherrick and Foyers Community Council Local Place Plan is the first to be registered in The Highland Council development plans area.
Following its validation in accordance with the Scottish Government requirements, the Stratherrick and Foyers Local Place Plan and supporting statement are now available to view in The Highland Council Local Place Plan register
This Local Place Plan will now be taken into account by The Highland Council as Planning Authority in preparing the new Highland Local Development Plan and can be used as a material consideration when planning applications are being considered by the Planning Authority.
Chair of the Council’s Economy and Infrastructure Committee, Councillor Ken Gowans said: “We are delighted at the level of interest that communities are starting to show in the Scottish Government Local Place Plan initiative. We acknowledge and applaud the effort that Stratherrick and Foyers Community Council has put into producing their Local Place Plan and encourage other communities in Highland to consider preparing one. Following our review of the requirements and timelines for the evidence gathering that the Council and other organisations are undertaking for the new Local Development Plan, I am pleased to announce that we are giving communities a further three months to prepare their Local Place Plans.”
Local Place Plans were introduced by Scottish Government as a way of empowering communities to play a direct role in planning the future of their area. They can be prepared by community bodies, either Community Councils or community-controlled bodies, and can set out a vision and priorities for the future, particularly around the use of land and buildings. The Highland Council announced its formal invitation to communities in Highland to prepare Local Place Plans on 29 June 2023.
The new Highland Local Development Plan, when finalised and adopted, will replace all four of the Council’s current Local Development Plans. To enable Local Place Plans to be taken into consideration as part of the evidence for the new Local Development Plan from the outset of its preparation, they must be capable of being registered by The Highland Council by the extended deadline of Friday 27 September 2024.
For more information on the preparation and submission of Local Place Plans in The Highland Council area, please visit: or contact The Highland Council on: with any questions.
Note: Local Place Plans prepared by communities within the Cairngorms National Park are to be submitted to the Cairngorms National Park Authority, as part of the evidence gathering for the Cairngorms National Park Local Development Plan, with more information and their deadline for submission being available on their website.