Storm Babet bringing exceptional rainfall to Scotland

Issued by SEPA

Alerts and Warnings as at 13:00 - check for latest situation

  • 12 regional Flood Alerts
  • 6 localised Flood Warnings

Rain is already moving across the country, with flooding impacts expected to start this afternoon and into the early evening. The heaviest and most prolonged rainfall is expected over Aberdeen City, Dundee & Angus, Tayside, Aberdeenshire and Caithness & Sutherland, where some exceptional levels are forecast over the next 24 hours. 

Extensive river and surface water flooding is expected, with widespread impacts to transport and infrastructure. There is a risk of more significant community scale property flooding – and there will be danger to life. 

Other parts of Scotland are also at risk of flooding as rivers respond and drainage systems become overwhelmed. The risk of river flooding is exacerbated by the fact that many catchments are already saturated following recent heavy rainfall events. There is also concern that surface water flooding may be made worse by debris blocking drainage and culverts as a result of the high winds.

An additional band of rain is forecast to impact the east of the country on Saturday, which will prolong the event and keep rivers high. It is important people keep up to date by following weather information from the Met Office and flooding advice from SEPA.

Expert staff in SEPA’s flooding team are working round the clock to check forecasts and models, update Flood Alerts, issue Food Warnings and ensure that partners and responder agencies have the latest information. 

Pascal Lardet, SEPA Flood Duty Manager, said: 

“There is exceptional rainfall forecast for parts of Scotland over the next 24 hours, and this will lead to significant flooding from both surface water and rivers.

“Regional Flood Alerts were issued over the last two days to provide early awareness, and localised Flood Warnings started to be issued this morning. More will be issued across the day, so I do encourage people to check our Flood Updates for all the latest information. You can also follow @SEPAFlood on X. However, it is important to stress that not all areas that could be affected have Flood Warning schemes, so please do take a Flood Alert in your area as advance notice that you could be affected. 

“Follow the advice of the emergency services and take action now to protect yourself and your property. Hazards can be hidden, so please don’t walk or drive into flood water. Remember that not only is flood water likely to be dirty, 30 cm of fast flowing water can move an average family sized car, and just 15 cm of fast flowing water could be enough to knock you off your feet.” 

SEPA continue to work with the Met Office to monitor the situation 24/7. As well as live information at Flood Updates, people can check the three-day Scottish Flood Forecast to see what conditions are expected further ahead.

19 Oct 2023