Storm Babet preparations for Badenoch and Strathspey

The Highland Council is liaising with partners agencies in preparation of Storm Babet potential impacts in Badenoch and Strathpey.

There are significant preparations underway in respect of Storm Babet across all partners, however specific actions are being progressed in response to within the Kingussie area.

Kingussie High School flood defences are being put in place by the Council and their contractor to protect the building.

The Council is also in liaison with NHS colleagues reviewing Care for People arrangements for Badenoch and Strathspey should the joint Care for People Plan require to be activated during the storm.

The Council has advised Aviemore Holiday Park to be on alert to Storm Babet and to be prepared for evacuation at short notice, if the rescue services and the local authorities deem this necessary.

19 Oct 2023