Skye and Raasay Area Committee updated on bereavement services projects

The Isle of Skye and Raasay Area Committee met today (Monday 6 November 2023) and Members were updated on progress of burial ground extensions in the Skye and Raasay area. Members also noted the challenges with identifying and developing suitable land for burial ground development in the area.

Good work has been undertaken by the bereavement services team, local amenities team, the project design unit, estates and legal to progress solutions with the support and input of local Members.

Project update:

  • Strath (Broadford) is progressing well with a recent contract completed that will increase capacity on existing site by additional 84 lairs (approx. 7.5 years additional capacity). The purchase of land for the new extension is underway and aims to be completed by December 2023.
  • Portree is progressing with planning permission granted for the next phases 2A, 2B & 2C which will provide around 600 lairs. The final design and specification work is being undertaken. Work has recently been completed to increase capacity on the existing site which has provided an additional 26 single depth lairs (approx. 1.3 additional years capacity).
  • The Dunvegan extension project is progressing with the design work to complete in November 2023 and a planning application will be submitted by the end of the year. Works to allow additional capacity (of approx. 2 additional years) in the existing burial ground are now complete.

Isle of Skye and Raasay Area Committee Chair, Cllr John Finlayson said: “Members are pleased with the progress report presented today and would like to thank the project team involved in delivering additional capacity across a number of burial grounds.

“We also understand the challenges in identifying suitable and available land in Skye and Raasay and welcome that Council Officers are actively reviewing various locations to acquire new land suitable for the development of burial ground extensions, or in some cases new burial grounds to mitigate the diminishing burial ground capacities.”

In addition to the specific capital approved for 23/24, the project team have been taking forward priority works through an approved £400k for bereavement services from the Health and Prosperity Strategy investment. This has been beneficial in taking forward additional projects in Skye and Raasay area as detailed below:

  • Cill a’Bhealaich – Contract awarded to increase capacity on existing site – additional 38 lairs (approx. 6 years capacity) (£15k).
  • Portnalong – Options for additional capacity on existing site being reviewed (budget estimate (£20k).
  • Skeabost/Borve – Land available for site – investigations being undertaken (budget estimate £25k).
  • Portree – Works completed to provide additional capacity on existing site, 26single depth lairs (approx. 1.3 additional years capacity) (£6k).

Burial ground provision is becoming increasingly difficult to identify and purchase. The reasons include:

  • Land availability and purchase costs.
  • Developments costs.
  • land suitability and geology – land conditions and requirements must comply with SEPA guidelines for burial grounds, be relatively flat land with little or no rock formations.
  • regulatory requirements – the selection of any new sites or extensions must not cause any pollution to the environment, including groundwater and this is regulated by SEPA.
  • Acceptability with local Planning considerations.

The Burial and Cremation (Scotland) Act 2016 determines that The Highland Council is statutorily obliged to provide at least one burial ground within its area. The Highland Council currently has 245 burial grounds.

Work is ongoing to review detailed projects for the current capital budget for 2024/25 -2028/29 of £4.168m. For Skye and Raasay area this includes proposals for new burial ground in the Skeabost area and possible extension of Cill a'Bhealaich which is estimated to close in 2029.

The full report can be viewed here (Item 8).

6 Nov 2023