Badenoch and Strathspey Members highlight projects which benefitted from Ward Discretionary funding

Members of the Badenoch and Strathspey Area Committee today (13 November 2023) noted three community projects which have benefitted from Ward Discretionary funding. 

Today’s meeting of the Area Committee highlighted those applications which had been approved since the last meeting in May. 

Chair of the Badenoch and Strathspey Area Committee, Cllr Russell Jones, said: “The Ward Discretionary Fund gives members a fantastic opportunity to help a variety of projects within Badenoch and Strathspey and we are all delighted to note the awards highlighted at Committee today. 

“It is pleasing that each award will help make a difference not only to projects doing fantastic work in our local communities, but also enhance the surroundings for the many visitors we see in the Ward area.” 

Strathspey Works Grantown Remakery was awarded £880 to install the next phase of its internal refit, which will further enhance its carbon friendly premises in the High Street. 

Grantown Remakery provides a community recycling facility which encourages people to recycle and reuse household items through its refurbishment and repair services, which supports a greener, circular economy. 

The refurbishment of household items is used to give people practical work and employability skills. The project has become something of a community service by offering refurbished and reasonably priced furniture (often with a further discount) to those setting up a new or first home. 

They provide employment skills development, volunteering opportunities, and support for young people who may be experiencing difficulty in transitioning from school to further education and employment. 

The charity also supports adults with disability, mental health issues or those with poor wellbeing or work readiness. They are offered support on their journeys to recovery and fulfilment of life goals. 

Newtonmore Camanachd Club was awarded £964 to help with safety padding for its clubhouse to improve player safety and prevent them from landing at speed onto the concrete slabs. 

Following another incident at a different club the Camanachd Association asked all shinty clubs to carry out risk assessments. After Newtonmore Camanachd Club assessment was completed, a decision was made to seek the purchase of foam safety pads (1.5m in height and 22m in length) which will be secured to the railings and the bottom step leading to the clubhouse. 

The funding provided by Members through their Ward Discretionary budget will allow them to proceed with this vital installation and enhance player safety. 

Newtonmore Business Association’s Centenary Garden Project Consultation was awarded £750 of Ward Discretionary funding to help revitalise the Newtonmore Centenary Garden, which has fallen into disrepair and is unsafe. 

The Newtonmore Business Association are keen to see the garden return to its former glory where is acted as safe, welcoming place to rest, picnic, meet friends and enjoy the surroundings. The project is also being supported by Cairngorm National Park Authority, which has included NCG as one of its projects which benefits people’s health and wellbeing. 

13 Nov 2023