A Day to Remember for Gaelic Pupils

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Latha Mòr na Gaidhlig, the  Big Gaelic Day,  held at Aviemore on Thursday 1 November, proved to be a day to remember for more than 500 Gaelic Medium primary pupils from all over Scotland, who gathered to celebrate the development of Gaelic medium education across Scotland over the past 22 years.

In the morning, pupils participated in a range of activities, including workshops on storytelling, dance, music and puppetry.  In the afternoon, these pupils were entertained by 170 pupils, who staged a number of drama pieces linked to the theme of Gaelic through the ages. 

The first of its kind, the event attracted sponsorship from Highland 2007 and Bord na Gaidhlig.

Councillor Hamish Fraser, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Gaelic Committee, was delighted with the success of the day.

He said: “This was an excellent day – one the pupils will remember for years to come. The day allowed pupils from all areas to share their experiences with each other and will make them more aware that their language encompasses the whole of Scotland, and is not just confined to their local school or village.”

In Highland, more than 700 pupils attending 20 primary schools are taught via the medium of Gaelic.

2 Nov 2007