Highland Council approves new Polling Scheme

Photo of polling station

Changes to a number of Polling Districts and Polling Places in the Highlands were agreed today (Thursday 14 December 2023) at the meeting of The Highland Council.

Following the formal review of the Highland Polling Districts and Places, Members approved a new Scheme of Polling Districts and Polling Places that will be in place for the next elections.

All local authorities have to divide their area into polling district for parliamentary election purposes, and to designate polling places for these polling districts.  The aim of regularly reviewing the Scheme is to ensure that electors have reasonable facilities for voting and, so far as reasonable and practical, the designated polling places are accessible to all electors. 

To minimise the disruption and education to our pupils and families in the Highlands, the review sought, where possible, to avoid schools being used as polling stations, making use of alternative community and leisure facilities instead. However, where no alternative premises exist, schools have had to be used which is a rationale in line with other local authorities in Scotland.

The proposal presented to councillors follows the Council’s statutory review that commenced at the start of October 2023. All elected representatives including Members, MSPs, MPs Community councils, and various disability groups and bodies including access groups were consulted. The public have also had an opportunity to provide their comments during the public consultation process which closed on 14 November 2023.

Following approval by Highland Council details of the new scheme of polling districts and polling places will be published on the council’s website 

Following the conclusion of the local authority’s review, certain persons have a right to appeal and make representations to the Electoral Commission, please the Electoral Commission website for further details or contact  Tel: 020 7271 0500 or e-mailappeals@electoralcommission.org.uk

14 Dec 2023