Highland welcomes Glasgow’s success in hosting 2014 Commonwealth Games

The Highland Council has warmly welcomed the announcement that Glasgow is to host the 2014 Commonwealth Games.

Convener Sandy Park and Education Culture and Sport Chairman Bill Fernie are delighted that Scotland is going to stage the major sporting event and hope that the Highlands will derive spin off benefits from the Games and the visit of so many competitors and spectators to the area.

Councillor Park said: “This is great news for Scotland and everyone involved with the bid deserves our warmest congratulations for the superb job they’ve done.  This gives our young sports people a real incentive to take part in a major event on our doorstep and hopefully will result in increased participation in sport.  It also gives our area an opportunity to benefit from a major international event.”

Councillor Bill Fernie added: “We will be doing our best in Highland to highlight the opportunities that will exist for competitors to train for the Games in the Highlands and for spectators to visit our very special area before or after attending the Games.”

Fort William’s success in staging the World Mountain Bike Championships highlighted the high quality sports facilities in the Highlands, he added.

9 Nov 2007