Members appoint chair for newly formed Black Isle and Easter Ross Area Committee

Cllr, Lyndsey Johnston, Ward 9 Black Isle
Cllr, Lyndsey Johnston, Ward 9 Black Isle has been appointed Chair of the newly formed Black Isle and Easter Ross Area Committee

Members at today's (Monday 22 January 2024) inaugural meeting of the newly formed Black Isle and Easter Ross Area Committee appointed a new chair. 

Following a vote at the beginning of the meeting Members agreed to elect Cllr Lyndsey Johnston, Ward 9 Black Isle, as the new chair. 

Cllr Lyndsey Johnston said: "I would like to welcome everybody to our brand-new committee and I hope this will see each of our wards go from strength to strength." 

Members then voted to elect Cllr Morven-May MacCallum as the Area Committees new Vice Chair. 

Cllr Morven-May MacCallum


Newly appointed Black Isle and Easter Ross Area Committee Vice Chair, Cllr Morven-May MacCallum

22 Jan 2024